Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Today in EC History ...

On this day in EC History ...

George Harrison - along with EC and his regular touring band - continued a tour of Japan.

A listen to recordings of this performance will make one wonder what the Suits at the label were thinking when they chose the recordings to be used for the official live CD from this tour, as the tracks used for that project have always struck some of us as some of the weaker performances from those shows.

Even more importantly, "what were they smoking" is the question at hand, when one considers that EC's solo set was also cut from the finished product. There are as many (or more) legends and rumors about the reasons why as there are about the non-release of "Nothing But the Blues". EC's management said no. The label said no. Harrison's ego said no. The boys were fighting by the end of the tour. Who knows?

Perhaps the real reason was that GH and EC realized some of the irony of EC performing not only "Wonderful Tonight" but also "Old Love" - two songs written about/for Patti Boyd HARRISON - in his set. Not to mention Harrison also performing "Something" - GH claimed he didn't write it for Patti, but we all *know* that he did. Perhaps they should have been called., the "Patti" concerts.

In order to help right this wrong, here we present to you one of the finest EC performances not only of that tour, but of that entire decade, and perhaps beyond, this one from the recording "Live in Peace" on the FrontPage label:



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