Here we got different forums u can visit!
This here's Mike. He kin rite an type reel good (better n me).
hes suppose 2 take pills 2 calm down but sumtime he fergits an rites long rants!
This here is Mark. He jes got a new 386SX an does all the graffin here.
We all think he really needs a girlfriend BAD.
Yew kin see how 'sited he get when he finds a LOSSY !
we put the lossies here !!! far far away.
If yew dont kiss our butts, yew will be here two !!!
heres another of our mods.
mark and mike keep axing her 2 go skinny dippin in the staff pool but she wont go.
mebbe her sister will?
heres our mods what do the preservation if they aint lossies.
you dont havt 2 have all 11 fingers to tipe real good!
this here is our staff enforcer. we dont know his reel name.
b nice or yew will deal with him !
sumtime the staff likes tew upload official stuff.
yew best be quiet if yew know it aint supposed to be here!
if yew speak up, yew go in the BUS !
this heres the SHOUTBOX
haha, yew aint really suppose to SHOUT or rite with CAPS LOCK
sum of us kin git real loud tho !
we got us a newfangled dish connection on account of there aint no good phone lines in the trailer park
now we got 56k !!!
our mods work shifts, no bathroom breaks!
gotta stop the lossies.
new server! only the best.
keep donatin so we dont run outta beer money!
mike is reel hi-tek, sumtimes he rites from his portable.
hes reel hi-tek.
we got repetation points and awards 4 the best users!
me, i was "member of month" oncet and i winned this awesome ride!
I sassed 'em tho and they took it back SHUX
EmmTee: Hey!!!
SQMark: Yer The Best!!
EmmTee: Aww, Shux. Yer the Best!
SQMark: Naw, Yer the Bestest !
EmmTee: C'mon Now
SQMark: were all the best!
EmmTee: yea man, cool wit dat
SQMark: every other site SUX DIX !!!
EmmTee: hehehehehe. yew crack me up d00d !!!
SQMark: 10cent .. that site really SUX DIX!!!
EmmTee: hahaha, yer rite!
User99: How come all u do is reseed torrents from 10cent, wen u say they SUX?
SQMark: Dang You! U caint talk 2 me like that. Yew got a WARNIN !!!
EmmTee: Screw Dat! He got a INFRACTION! Yew bes' SHUT YER PIE HOLE, BOY! dont' sass us!
Lyssa1: Bammed! I dun bammed that guy! User99 is roadkill !
EmmTee: Lyssa1, yew wan 2 go skinny dippin in da pool wif me and SQmark?
SQMark: c'mon, Lyssa1, i wont wont make no more fart bubbles like last time, i swear on my momma
Lyssa1: boys ... now yew behave! dont make me git out the hose an' cool y'all down!
EmmTee: awww, Shux. ok bye then. You guys RAWK
SQMark: bye then, y'all. gonna go find me some lossies!
FRUM: EmmTee
WARNIN! WARNIN! We dun got broke into an' IN-FILE-TRATED !!!
Dem folks frum STARV-TOWNE done sneaked in and stealed air stuf ! It wuz that Nutzo an' sum Lezbo Gay Tranzgender person! I knowed it wuz !!!
Dang it, me and SQMark had a half bag o chees-its, a couple MOON PIES, an' a quart o' CORN LIKKER hided under the seat of my truck an' THEY'S GONE !!!
Dey was messin in the server trailer, tryin 2 steal air cable tv which we done rigged up so its free! DaNG THEM!
AN DAT AINT ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Startin' RITE NOW, all y'all gotta wear yer Planet Roxx TIN FOIL HATS so them basterds kant read y'alls BRAIN WAVES!
It jes ain't rite 2 steal a mans brain waves and eat his moon pies, DANG IT !!!
- EmmTee
Re: EmmTee's Meltdown
Hello Planet Roxx Staffs!
Sorry but EmmTee haz done flipped out again!
They's took 'em away fer ... "observations" ... fer a few dayz until wen we kin get his pills strait agin !
Iffin any visitorz 2 th' trailer park axe wher EmmTees gon off 2, tale 'em he got pewter problums an' itll be fix REEL SOON !
Yer Friend,
Pee Ess: Y'all GOT tew keep EmmTee and SQMark outta the corn likker! Yew KNOWS how dey get !