
Eric Clapton and Steve Winwood - Mirror Image

New York, New York - February 25, 26, & 28, 2008 - Geetarz DVD 304-308 - NTSC DVD-R6

Geetarz Comments:

This 6 DVD set documents the 3 Clapton / Winwood performances in their entirety. These were sourced from the "New York City Bitch Committee" 6 DVD set. A minor problem with all 6 dvds was a few seconds of commercially available audio and video on each DVD - this was removed so the material could be shared with other fans. More problematic was the last night, nicely filmed from the screens BUT from behind the screens, which flipped the video image. The Geetarz version corrects this, with the video mirrored so Clapton and Winwood are playing righty again!