Leo Kottke - Ordway Theater
Minneapolis, Minnesota - Novemeber 27, 1988 - CD-R2 - SB 6
Disc 1:
- Airproofing
- Eggtooth Part 1
- Eggtooth Part 2
- "Playing Vertically"
- Ojo
- I Yell At Traffic
- Time Twelve
- "Car Mechanic"
- Why Can't You Fix My Car?
- BJ
- Rings
- "Astor Piazolla / Charles Schmidt"
- William Powell
Disc 2:
- Ice Fields
- My Aunt Francis
- Eight Miles High
- "Buell Neidlinger"
- Everybody Lies
- Back in Buffalo
- "Creativity Begins With Lies"
- June Bug
- The Train and the Gate
- Vaseline Machine Gun
- Pamela Brown
Comments: Beautiful soundboard.