The Who - The Complete Tommy
Los Angeles, Ca. - August 24, 1989 - DVD-R2

Geetarz Comments:
For some reason multiple audio and video copies of the Who's performance of "Tommy" at the Universal Ampitheatre in Los Angles, Ca. on August 24, 1989, is constantly misdated by collectors and fans to be the other performance of that opus held at New York's Radio City Music Hall on June 27, 1989. Nothing can be farther from the truth, and it's quite easy to tell the difference, as the Universal Ampitheatre show had a number of guest stars (Steve Winwood, Billy Idol, Patti LaBelle, etc.). This 2DVD set is making the rounds in collector's circles with the wrong date / venue information and should be avoided as it is nothing more than a DVD transfer of the OOP Laserdisc release of "Tommy".