The Beatles - Last Year
February 1969 - January 1970 - Secret Trax ST 99010 1/2 - SB 5
Disc 1: Alternate "Abbey Road" LP
- Come Together
- Something
- Maxwell's Silver Hammer
- Oh! Darling
- Octopus' Garden
- I Want You (She's So Heavy)
- Old Brown Shoe
- Come and Get It
- All Things Must Pass
- You Know My Name (Look Up the Number)
- Because
- You Never Give Me Your Money
- Sun King / Mean Mr. Mustard
- Her Majesty
- Polythene Pam / She Came In Through the Bathroom Window
- Golden Slumbers / Carry That Weight
- The End
- Ain't She Sweet
Disc 2: Other "Abbey Road" era rarities
- Something
- Old Brown Shoe
- All Things Must Pass
- Octopus' Garden
- You Never Give Me Your Money
- Her Majesty
- Golden Slumber / Carry That Weight
- Maxwell's Silver Hammer
- Something
- Oh! Darling
- Come and Get It
- Because
- The End
- John and Kenny Everett Interview
- What's the New Maryjane?
- Octopus' Garden
- I Me Mine
Comments: See cover art for complete track details.