John Lennon - Telecasts
Various 1971-1972 - lun - nun - SB 4-5
- John Sinclair
- It's So Hard
- The Luck of the Irish
- Sisters O Sisters
- We're All Water
- Woman is the Nigger of the World
- Attica State
- Misummer New York
- Sakura Sakura
- Memphis
- Johnny B. Goode
- Imagine
- Imagine
- Now or Never
- Give Peace a Chance
Comments: (1) and (7) - The David Frost Show, January 13, 1971; (5) and (6) - The Dick
Cavett Show, May 11, 1972; (2)-(4) and (8)-(12) - The Mike Douglas Show, February 14-18, 1972;
(13)-(15) - the Jerry Louis Telethon, September 6, 1972.