Cover Art
Eric Clapton - Montreux Jazz Festival
Monrtreux, Switzerland - July 10, 1986 - Beano DVD - nun - DVD-R2

Geetarz Comments:
Beano nails it again, with Clapton's complete performnces at the Montreux Jazz Festival, both with his band as well as joining Otis Rush on stage during his set. Hot and sweaty, this is the "dream team" band at its best and in top shape. As an awesome bonus, Disc 2 also features incredible quality footage (uknown format, but clearly superior to VHS) of the tour rehearsals held at Brixton Academy, London, in February 1985. The video footage is not as complete as that found on audio releases such as Mid Valley's Generalprobe 1985 but what there is, is simply beautiful to behold. Three Cheers for Beano! Hurray! Hurray! HURRAY!!!