Eric Clapton - In the Spotlight (PBS Master)
San Francisco, Ca. - November 8-9, 1994 - NTSC DVD-R1 (Standalone)

Geetarz Comments:
There is much speculation, but no one seems to be able to get a straight answer as to why Martin Scorcese's "Nothing But the Blues" has never been officially released. There are actually a couple of different versions of this film. In advance of the official VHS release, Warner Music sent out a few promotional copies in VHS format. Those promotional copies had a mono (linear) soundtrack and featured footage never broadcast, notably a blistering version of "Driftin' Blues".

In early 1995, prior to the planned home video release, PBS broadcast a shortened edit of the film. Titled "In the Spotlight" this PBS version did feature a stereo soundtrack, minus the aforementioned "Driftin' Blues". This DVD-R copy is taken directly from what appears to be a PBS Station master, complete with splash and intro timecode (different from the timecode found on the Warner VHS Promo) as well as a short announcer's introduction voiced over a bed of a clip from "Five Long Years".

To date, this appears to be the best available video quality of this exceptional performance, and also features excellent audio, although not quite up to the level of that found on the Geetarz/Button remaster, which was sourced from the official Media America radio show. Still, this overall is the best currently available version of this performance, and as such is highly recommended.

This NTSC format DVD is standalone authored, with a title menu and chapter marks.