Eric Clapton - Reel EC
Various 1976-1981 - Geetarz 249 - DVD-R1

Geetarz Comments:
A collection of rare 8mm and Super 8mm home movies of EC performances, set to music from the period. Contents include the Crystal Palace Bowl, London (1976) 18 mins; Apollo Theatre, Glasgow (1977) 7 mins; Rainbow Theatre, London (1977) 4 mins; National Stadium, Dublin (1977) 11 mins; National Stadium, Dublin (1979) 15 mins; and RDS Simmonscourt, Dublin (1981) 4 mins. Special thanks to Sammy for supplying the master!
Visitor Comments:
"Eric Clapton played at the National Stadium in Dublin around '77. It was my first biggie show and what a show. In the days before Elf 'n' safety and over zealous stewards I let rip in the aisle with a supreme "freak out" solo performance and Yvonne Elliman and another Lady doing their own thing on the stage. The stadium was in fact a bxing venue but it was especially intimate with just 2,500 attendees. No music show has ever lived up to what was provided to me that night. I was 16 (although Ithought I was younger til I saw the concet date) Crossroads was the ultimate finale. Joy.! I feel younger already. Am I sad? No sir! Glad.!Happy days.!" - Anon