Leo Kottke - Liberty Hall
Lawrence, Ks. - October 22, 1998 - CD-R2 - SB 6 (*)
Disc 1:
- Too Fast
- William Powell
- Oddball
- "Is She Mean?"
- Wonderland By Night
- Rings
- Eggtooth
- "Paul Siebel"
- Louise
- Morning is a Long Way Home
- Intro to "Heidi"
- The Heidi Motel
- "Seka Tavcar"
- Across the Street
Disc 2:
- Cripple Creek
- Corrina, Corrina
- Little Martha
- "Dr. John Harris"
- Standing in my Shoes
- "Diving"
- Snorkel
- Pamela Brown
- Jack Fig
Comments: (*) Beautiful digital soundboard, except for tracks 1 and 9 on Disc 2, which are Aud 6.