slowhand Digest				Volume 01 : Issue 257

Today's Topics:
	 Trading & Little Girls
	 I need Love
	 New session work?
	 Second half shows
	 2nd half shows and So Amer

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From: Jonathan Clermont 
Subject: Trading & Little Girls
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Hello All:

Two things:
1. I welcome all of you to have a look at my updated
boot list. It can be found at  Follow to "Boots."  I'm
ready to start some good trading if you are.

2.  Can anyone out there assist me in locating some
chords to "I Want A Little Girl"?  Wow, what a good
track!  When is E.C doing a Ray Charles cover album? 
Between this one and "Hard Times"... just can't get
enough.  Know what I mean?

Thanks In Advance, I look forward to your responses,

Do You Yahoo!?
Make a great connection at Yahoo! Personals.

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From: "Mark Deavult" 
Subject: I need Love
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I know, I know, don't we all ...

But in this case, what I need is high quality cover scans for the bootleg,
"Love".  I'd scan mine but unfortunately my scanner and I are not on
speaking terms at present.  I also need the front cover for "Dire
Circumstance" so if anyone can help out, please scan 'em and send them on!

Mark Deavult

PS Speaking of Bootleg CD covers, we all have our personal favorites - some
show real creative genius.  But I just saw one that I found hilarious, and
I'd love to know who the guilty party is!  The original release of "Camels
With Bourbon on the Rocks" came with artwork that even by the standards of
the day, was pretty lame.  Some twisted soul has created new artwork for it,
and although I usually eschew nonoriginal art, this is funny enough to bear

It's the back cover with his little feets on fire that strikes a chuckle
from my demented sense of humor!

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From: John Naccarato 
Subject: New session work?
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Hi slowhanders,

does anyone know of EC's contribution to the new Jool's
Holland album entitled, "Small world, big friends" ? George
Harrison also appears on the album having written a new
song entitled, "A horse to water". The album is due out
November 19th.


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From: "Pat Toth" 
Subject: Second half shows
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I would like to trade for some 2nd half and So Amer.
shows. I have plenty of Reptile shows to choose from
into August. Please give me a shout.....Hows that? 


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From: "Pat Toth" 
Subject: 2nd half shows and So Amer
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Lets try this then since there were no replies.
I would very much like to trade with someone that has shows in July til now of North America and South America.
I have a few shows from that period you could get your dirty little hands on if you just ask.
So please would someone give me a shout. I will have a show here soon
that everybody wants and you may miss you chance.
I love yu guys

hows that?

End of slowhand Digest V01 Issue #257
